Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's still on!

Hola peeps. Just wanted to let anyone who may still visit this blog that Knit in the Ham is still up and going. Lesley is better at attending than I am lately but I'm gonna start making a better effort to show up. Why wouldn't I want to?? It's way fun and you get to knit, drink and gossip all at the same time. I know you can do the same at home but is your husband as fun as Lesley and I. We understand the knitting cravings and the love of all fibers!!! And we love to learn new things and help newbies!!!! So, if your not a knitter but wanna get out of the house and try some craftiness come on out. Let's say this Sunday at 3pm. Not sure of location yet. Probably Applebee's over on 119. But who knows if we change it We'll post it up here for ya. Come out and play with us!!!!!


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